Boeing – community events in June 2024

  1. June 1 – Lagos, Nigeria. The Coding School by ThinkYoung and Boeing

    On June 1, over 60 Nigerian teenagers, aged 10-17, will graduate from the Coding School organized by ThinkYoung and Boeing in Lagos. From May 29 to June 1, the young Nigerian students will be equipped with advanced digital skills like programming, robotics, drones, essential for future careers. This is the first time Boeing brought this program to Nigeria. Since 2019, 700 teenagers have participated in Coding Schools in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and now also in Nigeria.

    Henok Teferra Shawl, Boeing Managing Director in Africa; Moore Ibekwe Jr., Boeing Commercial Sales Director in Africa were the Boeing representatives during this initiative.

  2. June 27 – Kampala, Uganda. Entrepreneurship program by Junior Achievement Africa and Boeing

    Junior Achievement Africa and Boeing are collaborating to provide entrepreneurship education to 1,500 high school students in Uganda through the flagship JA Company Program®. This year the Company program has a sustainability angle in Africa.

    The program’s highlight will be the Company of the Year Competition on June 27 2024 at Mestile in Kampala, Uganda, where students will pitch their businesses to judges. The winning company will represent Uganda at the JA Africa Company of the Year competition in Mauritius this December.

    Henok Teferra Shawl, Boeing Managing Director in Africa and Herb Wallen, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Sales Director in Africa will represent Boeing during this event.